#Grant-Seeking as a Priority During COVID-19
Why keep #grant-seeking as a priority during COVID-19 when there are so many urgent needs? Take a breath, take a minute, and remember – your mission depends on it. I don’t have to tell you that the world seems to be spinning out of control. Many #nonprofits are facing...
Blog Series: An In-Depth Look at Common Segments of Grant Proposals
Part 1: Cover Letters – What to Include and What to Leave OutMost grant proposals are divided into sections. Each section serves a specific purpose in convincing funders that your organization is a strong match for their funding priorities, a good steward of their...
7 Tips for Writing an Exceptional Grant Report
The end of the year is rapidly approaching. For most nonprofit staff with development responsibilities, that means two things – year end giving appeals and year end grant reports. Some funders are very precise with their reporting requirements. They provide you with a...
Outcome Measures – Using Data to Tell Your Story
One of the most important questions for a nonprofit to be able to answer well is, “What is the impact of your organization?” The question comes from donors, funders, and community partners. While stories about individual clients served may tug at the heartstrings,...