Blog Series- An In-Depth Look At Common Segments Of Grant Proposals Part 4: Measurement/Outcomes And Evaluation – Are Numbers Set In Stone?
Most grant proposals are divided into sections. Each section serves a specific purpose in convincing funders that your organization is a strong match for their funding priorities, a good steward of their dollars, and is meeting a critical need in your community. This...Common Mistakes in Grant Applications
Grant writing is hard work. The last thing you want is for your work to be wasted! Here are some of the most common grant writing mistakes to watch out for, and rules to help you avoid them in your grant writing. Mistake 1: Barking up the wrong tree Before you begin...Blog Series – An In-Depth Look at Common Segments of Grant Proposals
Part 3: Need Statements – Making the Case for Your Organization Most grant proposals are divided into sections. Each section serves a specific purpose in convincing funders that your organization is a strong match for their funding priorities, a good steward of their...Blog Series – An In-Depth Look At Common Segments Of Grant Proposals Part 2: Organization History And Background – Developing A Narrative That Appeals To Funders
Most grant proposals are divided into sections. Each section serves a specific purpose in convincing funders that your organization is a strong match for their funding priorities, a good steward of their dollars, and is meeting a critical need in your community. This...